Colonel Edward Barron
(1720 - 1800)
Edward Barron, like Des Barres, was a soldier with the British Royal Americans or 60th Regiment of Foot and served in Quebec during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham under General James Wolfe, in 1759. General Wolfe appointed Mr. Barron to a position in his army by a certificate under his signature. This certificate was for many years in the possession of the Seaman family.
The certificate given by General Wolfe to Ensign Edward Barron contains the following statements: – “By James Wolfe Esq.,” Colonel of the sixty seventh Regiment of Foot, Major General and Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Forces, on the River St. Lawrence to Edward Barron, Gentleman. By virtue of the Power and Authority to me given by his Majesty, I do hereby institute and appoint you to be Ensign in that company whereof (not legible) is Captain in the second Battalion of his Majesty’s sixtieth Regiment of Royal Americans, Whereof Jeffery Amherst Esq. is Colonel. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Ensign, by exercising and well disciplining both the inferior officers and soldiers of that Company, and you are to observe and follow such order and directions from time to time as you shall receive from his Majesty, myself, or any other superior officer according to the rules and discipline of war. Given at Point Levi, this fourth day of Sept. 1759, the thirty-third year of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith & etc. By Command of the General – James Wolfe. I, Hervey Smyth, witness. Entered in the Office of (name not legible) Esq., Commissary General of Witness.
Robert Gordon, Commissary of Masting at Quebec.
(Source: The Citizen, Saturday, January 7, 1989, Page Three – A Touch of Cumberland History – A story of historical interest in county)
As a result of his service, in 1765, Barron received a land grant in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia between Minudie and River Hebert known today as Barronsfield. By 1770, Barron was residing there with his wife Ann and two children. Their daughter Ann married Charles Baker and some of their descendants live in the area today. Barron later received additional lands from the Athol grant. He remained a leading figure in business and land affairs. He and his wife are buried in the Barronsfield Cemetery.